Discovering that my family thought I was making lame excuses for my weight was a drag.

Not sure why I'm posting this, except maybe to vent, and not sure if this belongs here but here goes.

Because of kidney problems I steadily gained weight for the last 5 years, in spite of a dwindling appetite, good eating habits and strong efforts to stay fit (gym 3 and 4 days a week). My kidneys were really enlarged (like the size of a two liter bottle each) and I was retaining water like mad. My face was bloated and my midsection was quite large--I definitely looked fat, but seized every opportunity to express my frustration about it, because my appearance didn't at all reflect my lifestyle. My wife would back me up on this every time it came up.

Nine months ago I had a kidney transplant, and they removed my giant, useless old kidneys in the process. I lost 20 pounds just from that, and another 20 in water weight within days. My family all celebrated how much healthier and thinner I looked. I was just happy that I now looked like I was always supposed to look. And of course I was, and remain, thrilled that I feel so great and things are going so well.

Then at Christmas time when I saw family again, three different people commented, kind of amazed, that I was still thin. I gotta say, that kind of hurt. They assumed that after I recovered from surgery I'd gain the 40 pounds back and were surprised when I didn't. Plainly they never really believed me before when I told them that my appearance was from my kidneys and not from my lifestyle. I know they are genuinely happy for me and my recovery, but it's hard to get past the feeling that they were previously thinking I was just some overweight saddo who was full of false rationalizations about it.

submitted by /u/feckinkidleys
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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