My motivation isn’t there anymore.

Basically what the title implies. I don’t know what’s been going on with me I’ve done this before, CICO, fasting, cut out certain food and drinks. Yes I know all this stuff but I can’t get myself to do it. I start saying I’ll again in 3 days don’t worry the next day, I’ve lost weight before so I can do it again if I really want to. Well I do want to but then why am I not sticking to it. I decide to eat something healthy that’s also decent amount of calories. But end up binge eating at the night… I just wanted to rant. I hate how I’m like this

submitted by /u/Shyguy2418
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Please, help me.

Lately, my weight has been going up. I’m 5 ft. 2 in. and I weigh about 220 lbs. I don’t look terribly obese (at least I don’t think I do). However, my blood pressure today is 124/87 (higher than normal) and my resting pulse is about 120 bpm. It’s not healthy. I need to change. If I stand for more than 10 minutes, I literally have to sit down because I start breathing heavily. Walking is exhausting, everything is exhausting.

My doctor doesn’t see anything wrong. My therapist, well, she isn’t the most helpful, but it’s the only therapist my insurance will cover in my area (the other therapists are already booked). Both of my parents do have heart valve issues and arthritis, but my doctor doesn’t seem to feel a need to check me with EKG.

I have had a history with ED (bulimia mainly), it got so bad I had to undergo treatment. I feel like I now must have some sort of form of another type of disorder. My therapist doesn’t specialize in working with eating issues.

I can’t stop eating fast food. Well, I can, but I find it so hard to do. If I work out, I’m in so much pain and my doctor doesn’t seem to think there’s anything to help. Water is the only form of exercise I can do without feeling in pain.

I just want to have self discipline. I want control of my life. I’m just starting my life, this pain I go through just by standing up is so disheartening.

submitted by /u/Educated_Kitty_Cat
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It’s crazy how big I am compared to my peers in pictures

I was always big but not always obese. I am currently 280 and over 5’8. I am only 17. I usually don’t think too much about how much bigger I am but anytime I see a picture of myself next to other people it’s shocking. Even other people who are also obese or overweight. I took a picture with my friend at a concert Who is also the same age And may be a little bit overweight But not big and compared to her I was about twice Her size towering over her almost a foot. Even My mom and dad They both weigh less than me And I look big Even compared to them And they are both in the 200s. I don’t mind being tall or big just not obese lol.

submitted by /u/LongjumpingAdvance51
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Fighting and Weight Loss

Hi all -

I am a professional fighter, a woman 5'6" and fluctuate between 145 and 150. I know the scale isn't end all be all but for fighters, we need to make weight.

I would like to fight in the 135 weight class, which means I'd like to get to 140 or a little below. I've tried cutting for months. I track and weigh everything. I've gotten to 145, I'll stay there a day or two, then the next day I go up to 147 and just ... stay there. This has been going on since December, more or less.

These past few weeks I was steadily trending downwards and I was at 144. The next day, no deviation from the diet and eating about the same things as I had been eating for weeks, I went up to 147.5. It stayed there for 2 days, no deviation from the diet, and then yesterday went up to 149. Today back to 148.

I'm not on my period, hydrate and I train twice a day - pads and S and C in the morning, technique/pad/bag work and sparring at night. I run 3-4x/week on top of it. I use Carbon to track and I was eating about 1750 calories daily.

I don't understand what's happening. I don't get how the weight could just go up like that and stay up for days. Carbon is telling me to go to 1550 but I feel like that's too low for my activity level. Any advice or help would be so appreciated, I feel very frustrated.

submitted by /u/muaythaimushroom
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Gaining my life back

Today was the first day with hot weather and I felt like absolute dogshit leaving the house. So ugly, big, bloated, uncomfortable and disgusting. Today was a breaking point, I struggled making eye contact with people passing by, wondering what they possibly thought about my body. I'm so tired of looking at pretty girls, admiring their beauty, for once I want to be the pretty girl. I'm not going to let my lack of self control when it comes to eating rob me of my twenties, the way it did my teenage years.

F20, height: 158 cm

SW: 82 kg CW: 78,7 kg GW: 50 kg

submitted by /u/Brave-Audience2248
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Feeling discouraged and seeking advice

For context I am 5’ 3” female, 32, CW: 182 GW:130ish. My 500 calorie tdee deficit = 1300. I have been weighing and tracking in MFP for a month. I have my Apple Watch and MFP connected so it does add some calories from exercise back in. I have not lost a single pound this whole month. Sitting at exactly 182.2 for 4 straight weeks no up or down. Does this mean 1300 is actually my maintenance? Can that even be possible? I have an active job on my feet, average 12K steps/day, go to barre classes regularly and get 45-120 mins of exercise a day except for Sunday… on that note I try to track on weekends still but I’m not as diligent and will have a few alcoholic drinks but if I know I go over 1300 I cut back a few days that week… I feel famished on 1300 cals when I exercise and work. I get around 100g of protein a day. It’s discouraging because most people lose weight quickly in the beginning and the scale isn’t budging for me! Should I not factor in exercise and stick to 1300 cals when I’m exercising? What would you do? Open to any advice or encouragement. This is not easy!

submitted by /u/RealisticTough4465
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I’m losing weight and my clothes are ALL getting too big on me

Hey guys. I’ve lost around 48 pounds from my highest weight I’ve ever been- 200 pounds. However, it wasn’t until I lost around 13 pounds- from 164 to 151, basically, it wasn’t until recently that all my clothes, for the most part, are beginning to become too baggy for me. I’m not sure how to go about replacing my wardrobe. For reference, my goal weight is in the vicinity of 130 pounds, give or take, so my clothes will continue looking too big and unflattering on me. How should I go about replacing my wardrobe? Do you thrift? Do you replace everything all at once? Or do you buy clothes as you go along your journey? I’m a broke soon to be University Graduate and I’ve never had this kind of huge discrepancy with clothes. Help! 😭

submitted by /u/Slight-Victory6820
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I weigh 13 pounds more today than yesterday

Male 6’0” SW:243 CW: 200 GW: 183

I’ve been using diet and exercise to lose weight since January of last year. I’ve been closing in on my GW and getting excited about it. My last weigh in on my scale showed I was down to 187. Then I had a physical and the scale at the doctor’s showed I was 202 (with clothes on). I first chalked it up to their scale being heavy, but when I went home I discovered my cat had managed to work one of my girlfriend’s hair ties under the scale. I removed it and reweighed myself and it matched the doctor’s scale. To me it felt like I’d instantly put on 13 pounds and really bummed me out. Trying to use it as motivation though to get to my GW!

submitted by /u/Rare_Competition2756
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Does anybody else get more stomach upset since weight loss?

So this week, I had a bad week of overeating. My coworkers from all across the country came to my city for a regional conference. So from Tuesday - Saturday, I was not eating well. I think it was due to a few factors. Like wanting to cut loose a bit, more eating out/drinking than normal, and just breaking from my routine. Anyway, I had been doing good with averaging about 1300-1500 calories a day. I normally do intermittent fasting (eat between noon-8 p.m.) My stats are 5’5, 170 lbs, 26F. I’m not sure exactly WHAT I ate/drank because there was a bunch of eating out/drinking. I would try to get back on track like doing intermittent fasting in the morning. Some days I started with a yogurt or protein shake. But then through the day/evening, it would get progressively worse. I’m not sure how much calories I overconsumed. From my estimates, it doesn’t seem to have been that much over. I was averaging about 2000 calories a day from food/alcohol. When I started this journey at 190 lbs, my maintenance calories were about 2200. So I don’t consider what I had to be severe binging.

Yet, Friday/Saturday, my stomach felt absolutely horrible. It’s bloated to an extra 5-7 pounds. It was actually hard to sleep. I think it was from alcohol but friday night all I drank was one mixed drink, one shot, one beer. Saturday was the same. I wasn’t even drunk. This is something that I have noticed since my weight loss. That overeating that wasn’t so abnormal before now causes me a lot of stomach upset. When I was heavier, I rarely had stomach/digestive issues. I’ve noticed this with my thin friend as well. Even one meal out can often give her an upset stomach. What is going on? Does this happen to anyone else? How do you reset to have your stomach feeling good again? I tried to reset friday and saturday but then I wound up waiting too long to eat. Then, I was hungry and overate. But, when your stomach is upset in the morning, it doesn’t want anything.

submitted by /u/Ma2340
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The Frank Sinatra diet

“I call it the Frank Sinatra Diet: They did it their way.”

This article from Eating Well really resonated with me. It really made me think of all the things I have tried and all the conflicting information I have read. We see how individualized weight loss and a wellness journey can be for people. I think it’s a good reminder to stop and review the lessons you have learned along this journey. The things that have worked and those that have not. Often, we get results by making a personal combination of things.

submitted by /u/FitAppeal5693
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Weight loss frustration

I am F (20) 5'2 (160 cm) and 63 kg (138 pounds). Ever since I started university my weight increased from 56 kg to 63 kg in the span of two years. I emotionally eat and I restrict then binge a lot. I also overeat in social settings and I want to try anything and everything. Last June I decided enough and started restricting and doing very long inclined walking sessions for hours at a time. I was able to successfully go down from 61 kg to 54 kg from June to August. I was so happy, so confident, felt so good about myself. People praised me and complimented me every day. Midterms rolled in and I started telling myself I am so thin I can afford to eat what I want. Kilogram after kilogram and by December I have reached my highest weight at 64 kg. I felt so ugly and disgusting. People noticed and started commenting "What happened to you?" and I simply just felt worse. The new semester started and I decided I wanted to lose weight again. From January to April, I went down from 64 kg to 58 kg. Again people noticed and started praising me. I felt good and I told myself I can afford to eat a little bit more and won't gain that much weight. Today it is May 11th and I am at 62.5 kg. I feel disgusting, I feel embarrassed, and I feel so ashamed. I want to lose weight again, I want to feel confident, and I want to love my body. My goal is to just reach 53-54 kg and tone my body with lightweight lifting for better posture. It feels impossible to lose the weight let alone sustain it. I got an opportunity to travel to France for a language learning program for a month. It is my first time being completely alone away from family obligations and social settings. I thought this is a perfect opportunity for me to control my eating habits with no questions like "are you on a diet?" "are you trying to lose weight?" that only put me more to shame. However, I also want to enjoy my time there and not have regrets later that will cause me to spiral out of my eating habits. I know French pastries are amazing and I will also visit Italy in where I will want to try their pastas and pizzas for sure. I am scared of gaining more weight. I haven't been outside the house in 2 weeks, my face is so bloated and my double chin is so noticeable I am so insecure. I am so tired of my attachment to food. I always feel like I will never have enough of it, that it won't be available to me later, that the taste is just amazing. I have had moments where I cried while stuffing my face.

I grew up very skinny, food was rarely on my mind and not offered except twice a day but we had a pantry filled with snacks. I was known to be skinny and petite. It feels like I am just judged for changing. I feel so defeated, and thinking that this will be a continuous cycle scares me. My brain is so tired from thinking about food, imagining food, and feeling guilty about food. I have had irregular periods since the end of last year and continuing until now. My mother took me into a gynecologist and I did an ultra sound in which she saw I had some Polycystic ovaries. I have been taking birth control since January and I feel like absolute shit. I also am growing insane amount of hair on my body making me feel even worse. I hate my body and I feel stuck in the monster that I created. I don't know how to approach weightless anymore. I hate going to the gym, I hate giving up my favorites foods, I hate being on the shorter side. I feel so frustrated and so betrayed with the one thing that truly gave me comfort: food. I miss being excited about meals and enjoying food with friends without looking at their plates and comparing mine to theirs. I don't know what I intended from this post, because at the end of the day it is a calorie deficit that will make me lose weight. I just feel like I am out of control.

submitted by /u/Hot-Street-9934
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I can’t stop eating.

Look, I finally discovered what makes me actually full and satisfied on a caloric deficit and on a $ budget. It works BUT I realized that it’s not enough to just feel full, I still will want more. I made lots of brownies for some people who were having a party and they ditched me and I got left with four trays of brownies. I ate them all in 3 days despite being full and feeling absolutely sick with just one square. I didn’t eat them all because I was sad they ditched me, nope, it was because I had one brownie and loved it and I couldn’t stop, I really couldn’t. I even kept eating them after I got a migraine and nausea and I couldn’t even move from the couch. I have 2 kids, this isn’t fair at all to them, but it’s like I can’t convince my body to be rational. When I was younger I would judge people who were diabetic and kept eating sugar because I was like “do you not want to live to see your kids live as long as you can?” Or with people who smoked, I would think the same like “I know it’s hard but just push don’t be selfish! Don’t do that to yourself! Cancer is so painful!” But I get it now. It’s like a frenzy, you can’t stop in the middle. Like a tornado you have to wait to pass. I wanna do this for them and without temptation I do so good like I had just lost 4 lbs the week prior and wasn’t even hungry, then in the three days I ate brownies I gained 7lbs!!! Now all I want to eat is crap- fried chicken, more brownies with whipped cream, tacos (not so bad), well some of the food I want to eat is not bad for you. The problem is I just can’t stop no matter how sick I feel! I’m like a vacuum. I’m not even hungry but I feel starved for some reason like I’m filling up a bottomless pit forever. Has anyone gotten over something like this before? If so, I’m begging you, please help me.

submitted by /u/lariogomezio
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When I see my body I want to cry

I've always been very thin. Since I started taking some meds, I've gained 22 pounds. From the sudden weight gain I've also developed visible phlebitis.

Because of certain circumstances, I haven't been exercising for about 2 years, so my body isn't in shape. I feel so disgusting and ugly.

Now I'm going to a nutritionist and I'll start exercising soon. I've never had trouble with my weight in the past, so this is very new to me.

Some days ago, I went shopping for clothes. When I realized that I'm more of a Medium than a Small size, I felt uncomfortable. It only got worse when I went into the changing room and actually saw my body.

I left the shopping center immediately and started crying.

I want to believe that I'll get my thin body back, but I want to cry just thinking about how long it will take to achieve that.

I'm also struggling with binge eating and that's the reason I went to my nutritionist in the first place.

Any tips or advice? Thanks for reading ❤️

submitted by /u/themostbluejay
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Terrified to eat on vacation

So i’ve been using lose it since early march and i’ve lost 20 pounds since I checked a few weeks ago, and I’ve never ever ever been able to actually lose weight and it’s so relieving, but in august I’m going to florida with my gf and her sister and I am terrified to eat there.

We are buying groceries so obviously I am going to pick healthy options and low calories, but everyone wants to go to some restaurants or little shops/ice cream etc. And I’m just scared of messing up, how to calculate things that don’t tell you how many calories, and how to not let go of my good progress since before thing I would struggle with overeating.

If it were up to me I’d only eat from what I buy at the store, but obviously I’m not going to bother the other two with their experience so I’m just trying to figure out the best way to go about this while staying on track. (Plus I have a tremendous fear of seeing weight gain now lol- not including your natural weight fluctuation)

submitted by /u/Upper-Cheesecake-545
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New Poster - Physically Disabled & Trying to Lose Weight

Hello all,

I appreciate those of you who are here to help guide others in every variety of situation. Mine, I suspect, is going to be tough for successful weight loss. I've bombed before. I made the mistake of once enlisting an online dietician I ended up feeling had an eating disorder (this turned out to be a very common opinion, at least on reddit!) and got nowhere. It has been a bumpy trip and I've slid back down the hill more than once.

I'm a 5'10" male, 39 years, currently 260lbs. I used to be skinny when I was young, but I unfortunately was struck with a lifelong disability in my twenties which keeps me in a sedentary lifestyle. My doctors have been strictly "no way" about any exercise more strenuous than a walk. In the Florida heat, that means walking around my house. :) I'll do that, mind you, but it probably looks odd to the family!

It also doesn't help that some of the meds I have to take are prone to causing weight gain, but it's take them or have way worse problems than my weight.

Diet is tough. I have IBS and eating half a plate of vegetables would murder my gut. I'm also a very plain, picky eater. In my case, though, I suspect it might be an issue of quantity over quality. I don't drink anything but water, the foods I eat aren't huge in calories at proper servings, but I probably don't eat the proper number of calories for loss at the end of the day. Well, that and having to be sedentary doesn't help, I'm sure.

So, that's basically the crummy situation. I'm obviously trying to find a way to diet within the restrictions of my disability, but it's pretty hard to figure out and dieticians are expensive on a disability budget!

I wonder if there's someone out there in a similar situation who's had success and is willing to chat about it a bit.

My big fear is having a heart attack (I've watched my mom go through four, not weight related) and keeling over. That's a motivator. However, I haven't learned how to figure out how many calories I should eat per day (except to try and keep a deficit beneath that number), when to reduce that number, obstacles I may face due to my - at best - very light exercise ability. It all feels pretty hopeless, but I do NOT want to step on that scale one day and see 300lbs. I'm willing to do what it takes if I can figure out the basics.

I hope everyone else out there is having success achieving their goals, or getting there!

submitted by /u/Different-Amphibian7
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Reached my first goal weight - just excited and wanted to share!

I am so excited - I reached my first weight loss goal weight! I am now officially 225 pounds! (Female, 5'4") I don't want to share this with my family, other than my Fiancé, because they are not very supportive, so I am sharing it here. I have not been below 230 pounds since I was a teenager, so this is a big milestone.

I started a long time ago at 256lb, my highest weight, and got down to 236lb in the fall of 2023. I stopped tracking calories and maintained my weight until late March when I decided to start tracking again and get serious.

So - it has been about 8 weeks according to my journal, and I am down 11 pounds since getting back on the calorie counting train! I started working out 2-3 times a week, but other than that I am pretty sedentary. I keep my calories around 1,400-1,600 per day most days, but have had a couple days where I eat over. I don't stress when I go over - because I know that is part of life. Some days I need more food than others, or It was a birthday so I had a piece of cake!

I have approached weight loss as a lifestyle change. I have been obese my entire life starting from when I was first told I was overweight at 8 years old, so it has been a long process of learning how to eat in a healthy manner. My portions used to be enough for two people, and now I eat recommended portion sizes and feel fine!

I drink protein coffee each morning now for my breakfast and have found low calorie meals that I enjoy. I made a spreadsheet of all my common ingredients and measures, and created pages for each common meal or lunch that I might eat. For example - I figured up calories in tortilla pizzas, in regular hot-dogs and fries, tacos, my favorite salad recipe, etc. so I could eat the same things I always eat, but in moderation! I am teaching myself portion control by weighing and measuring all of my foods. I have also started eating much more fruits and vegetables, and have replaced my desserts with strawberries with a small portion of whipped cream mixed in.

I am proud of myself and just wanted to share/vent about my success so far. I didn't know where else to post and not sound like I was bragging.

submitted by /u/Mirasore
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Did well for 6 weeks and lost motivation - gearing up for the next try

Height 5 10, age 49, starting weight: 16 st 2lb, current: 15 st 10 lb, target: 14 st

I think the novelty of calorie tracking kept me going for about 6 weeks. I wasn't being too aggressive, was eating well including some treats but pretty much kept my 500 calorie deficit. Lost 7 pounds which astounded me, as, like other poor schlebs, I had been kinda indoctrinated by the media that the laws of physics don't apply to weight loss.

But then I got tired of counting, had a few days with a beer or three and so on and put a pound back on over the last 3 weeks.

It's a bit of a pain as 9 weeks in now and only 6 pounds down. Really need to get my shit together now and settle into steady weight loss for a couple of months before taking a maintenance break.

On the plus side, I didn't yoyo back to starting weight so it's not all bad at all.

Why am I posting? Because I can't tell anyone else. They don't care! You care, thank you!!!

submitted by /u/Unlikely-Loan-4175
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Phantom Fat

So I'm wondering how many of y'all can relate and what, if anything, you did to help cure it. I started my journey at 6'1 300lbs and a 46in waist and I'm down to 225lbs and a 34in waist. I see I'm "skinny". I have people complimenting me regularly. Women I'd once consider out of my league, are now saying hello and checking me out. I've had to completely replace my wardrobe down to my underwear yet I still feel like my old fatty self. I know I'm not, I can do activities I never could like unassisted pullups, yet I still feel like that fat little kid I always was since 30yrs ago....what can I do to really get over this?? Wha did you do?

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Ad9456
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Losing 20lb when youre healthy weight?

I started doing 10k steps a day but it hasnt seemed to consistently lose weight for me. I typically do intense running for 20 min then swap to 4mph walking for an hour.

If anything im just maintaining. Im 6ft 165lb lady. Ideally I like being 145 lb. eating habits arent bad, i typically do one meal a day cause im lazy. No sugary drinks. Thinking of getting back into strength training. 165 looks a lot better as muscle.

Honestly no issues with food or exercise I think im just adjusting to a slower metabolism after I hit 30. Tips and tricks please

submitted by /u/skydreamer303
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What calorie-dense/nutritionally void foods do you naturally dislike?

Kind of a fun question, in my opinion. I was talking to my friend about considering vegetarianism because I don't care for meat all that much, but I can't realistically go vegetarian because the rest of my family loves meat. That got me thinking about how I naturally err on the "healthier" side of eating simply due to the sheer number of foods I dislike.

Anyway, I have quite the laundry list of "unhealthy" foods I dislike: chips, fried food, mayonnaise, soda, hot dogs, bacon, fast food burgers.

That said, I am basically a vacuum cleaner when it comes to sweets, nut products, and anything in bar form (protein bars, granola bars, etc.).

What are your calorie-dense or nutritionally void food dislikes?

submitted by /u/seul_chalet
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My motivation isn’t there anymore.

Basically what the title implies. I don’t know what’s been going on with me I’ve done this before, CICO, fasting, cut out certain food and ...